Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Parents give kids the tools to battle bullies"

Where do you stand on using martial arts as a defense against bullies? Is it a case of violence begetting more violence? Having never taken a martial arts class myself I can't know of the principles it teaches, if it gives children a sense of self-respect that they can utilize when being bullied. My stand is that violence should never be fought with violence. But there is certainly food for thought in self-defense being self-respect.

While school districts across the state have developed plans to combat bullying, parents are taking their own measures to ensure their children are safe both in and out of school.
Since Pheobe Prince of South Hadley committed suicide after being bullied by classmates, bullying has been a hot topic among school officials and parents. Many parents have spoken to their children about bullying and some have even enrolled them in martial arts classes.
Jodi Michaud enrolled her 10-year-old son, Jack, in classes at Rising Sun Marital Arts on Main Street to offer him protection and give him the confidence to stand up to bullies.
Michaud, who also takes classes, said the focus is on self-defense to avoid violence, rather than engaging a bully.
"That's a big philosophy to get out of a situation," Michaud said. "It's been very positive for us."
Bryan Foley and his son signed up for martial arts classes at MetroWest Tang Soo Do on Broad Street to help his son who was bullied in school. He says his son's training helped him confront his bully without violence.
"He learned some pretty good skills," Foley said. "He felt strong enough to stand up for himself. It's invaluable."
An instructor at MetroWest Tang Soo Do, Rich Nugent said students learn self-defense techniques needed if a confrontation becomes physical, but students are encouraged to avoid violence.
With the prevalence of social networking websites and cyberbullying, many parents are monitoring their children's activity on websites for signs of bullying.
"I do know parents are talking to their kids and, most importantly, listening to their children," said Sue Goyette, president of the Farley Elementary School Home and School Association. "We do talk about bullying and we are very diligent on what they can and cannot access on the Internet."
Youth sports organizations also focus on the importance of discipline and providing a team-oriented atmosphere for athletes to prevent bullying.
"I think we do a great job at building discipline and a team, goal-oriented environment, which are key to preventing bullying," said Michael Chaves, president of Hudson Youth Baseball.
Hudson Youth Football President Bob Fecteau said coaches are required to sign a code of conduct, which states coaches won't tolerate bullying, and are constantly on the lookout for bullying activity.
With anti-bullying plans at schools and parents working to prevent bullying outside of school, Hudson Police Officer Chad Crogan said the skills the students have learned made them confident in dealing with bullies.
"The kids are standing up for themselves," Crogan said. "The kids are more aware of it and what to do."
(Jeff Malachowski can be reached at 508-490-7466 or

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